Case Study - Elder Caregiver for the Cottage Season
The Task:
During the summer of 2018, Portico Inc. was contacted by a Client who thought there was no solution to their request. The Client required a qualified Elder Caregiver for a temporary period to attend to the needs of a friend of the family who would be a guest at the family cottage. The family's guest was very comfortable with a specific Caregiver who attended to their needs. The idea of change, was somewhat unwelcome.
The Response:
Occasionally, Candidate options are simply not required. Sometimes, the perfect Candidate is just that… perfect. The Client was convinced that their “ask” could not be achieved. However, achieved it was. While the employees of Portico Inc. felt that they had the perfect Candidate, they continued outreach to Portico Inc.’s pool of highly-qualified Elder Caregivers. The objective, as always, was to provide the Client with options. Options were provided.
The Solution:
Within 24-hours, two very qualified candidates were presented who could attend to the Guest’s needs in a professional and compassionate manner. One Candidate was chosen who had in excess of 16 years’ experience in the private caregiving field and who could meet the specific scheduling requirements of the Client.
Within 48-hours, candidates were interviewed and one was chosen. Portico Inc. responded with:
Reference check results
The offer of a Background Check
Ironing out Offer of Employment details with the Client
Preparing a written Offer of Employment that included a Confidentiality Agreement
Presentation of the Offer to the Candidate
Closing the Offer with the Candidate
Immediate notice to the Client reassuring them of a successful resolution to their “ask”
Regular follow-up with both Client and Candidate during the duration of the employment contract
Portico Inc. rapidly responds to Client requests. It is able to do so because of a commitment to constantly be interviewing for all kinds of positions - not just Elder Caregivers. Portico Inc. is also a firm that is always cultivating and nurturing its network of qualified Private Service Professionals.
The Candidate who was chosen performed at an exemplary level. They “wowed” all those who had the opportunity to observe the person in action. They were highly discreet, attended to the needs of the Guest with professionalism and compassion, and, when asked, made suggestions for proceeding as the condition of the individual requiring care worsened down the road. The contract was extended. The Candidate provided by Portico Inc. was invited by the family to continue caregiving services on an ongoing basis.
The Client thought their “ask” was high. Portico Inc. thought differently and exceeded the Client’s expectations.
© Portico Inc., 2018
Positions We Place
Executive Housekeepers
Elder Caregivers
Personal Assistants
Office Butlers
House Managers
Private Chefs
Butlers (Household & Corporate)
Domestic Couples
Estate Couples
Corporate Flight Attendants
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